Aligned Professionals near Brisbane
Below you will find a list of practitioners (by field) who I have either worked with personally, or other clients have had good experiences with. As always, I encourage you to align yourself with providers who make you feel comfortable, supported, and above all, well cared for as you traverse this incredible journey. This goes well beyond your chosen care provider, extending to every complimentary member of your birth preparation team!
If you have had a wonderful experience with a provider and would like to recommend them to other mamas, please feel free to contact me to expand this list!
Know your Midwife Sunshine Coast
Coast Life Midwifery Sunshine Coast
Please feel free to share if you have birthed with an OB that was fully supportive of your decisions and throughout your birth!
Dr Liz Johns - Pregnancy and Beyond Osteopathy
Claudia Cadona – Pregnancy & Paediatric at Scope Chiropractic
Pregnancy Massage
Naturopaths / Nutritionists
Hormone Health Studio (Online)
Healing Hands Natural Health Centre
Mikaela Duffy – Bodywork Naturopath
Placental Encapsulation
Fitness and Physio
BodyFabulous Online and Brisbane
Lactation Consultants
Jannie Bech Sperling Ph 0418 338 653
Tongue Tie Clinic | Enhance Dentistry
Perinatal Mental Health
The Rosy Room Psychology Practice